Saturday, May 26, 2012

This cOzy blog is about my garden experience.
After having my special needs baby almost 7 years ago, keeping a garden had to take a back seat.

But, this year, we are back!!! I turned a piece of my front yard into a kitchen garden, growing the things I find myself buying at the grocery or farmers market each week. Why the front yard, you ask? My back yard belongs to my Australian Shepherd who eats plants. So instead of waiting until she grows out of this stage or until I figure a way to humanly train her to not to do this, I decided not to let another spring/summer growing season pass me by.
I'm trying a new (at least it's new to me) way to water the extra
thirsty plants. 

I have tried growing cucumbers in years past, but for some reason I didn't get any.
This time, they are coming strong! I am so excited!

Yellow neck squash

Lots of tomatoes

I am going to make fried green tomatoes with these.

egg plants

my little corn patch

I cannot even tell you how excited I am about my corn.

Planning, planting, growing, maintaining and harvesting a garden is one of the 
most rewarding experiences. It is so healing to go out into my little piece of earth in the middle of suburbia, America and dig in the dirt, provide nourishment to my plants and to watch them grow.
Among all the busyness and chaos of daily life and raising a family, 
taking moments each day to ponder and soak in the wonders of nature is truly cOzy.